Sunday, April 29, 2012

Starting to paint this...

Figured Id start painting to this and add to it as I go along. Just throwing on some quick colour, texture, background idea etc. I'll start actually painting it properly soon :)

Goblin Queen

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Goblin Lady/Queen...thing

I wish I had an A3 scanner. I tried to fix the seam as much as I could but it is still fairly obvious. I might paint this, or add more to it before I do.

Goblin Queen

Monday, April 16, 2012

Goblin Sketch

Just a quick Goblin sketch I did. Nothing fancy or rendered etc, just an idea I might do something with. Ill probably sketch a few of them and try get the look I want.

Quick Goblin concept/idea drawing

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


I'm going to consider this finished now because Ive spent too long on it and have other work I want to get finished. Probably could do more to it but I will just leave it as it is I think.

Fairytale Fairy
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